Hi, I’m Bill Harvey.

Thanks for checking out my new science fiction novel—now in these bookstores. Read the reviews and a preview of PANDEMONIUM below. I hope you enjoy it all! ~ Bill

Notions-N-Potions Bookstore Beacon NYInquiring Minds BookstoreE Blue Fox Books Walden NY MALAPROP'S BOOKSTORESpiral Circle Bookstore, Orlando, FL

"A science fiction spy thriller" - BlueInk ReviewBookTrib Review of Pandemonium "Spellbinding Science Fiction" - BookTrib review

Cinematic writing - like a classic James Bond movie The writing is so fluid more like seeing it. Happy reading. I highly recommend.

PANDEMONIUM: Live to All Devices by Bill Harvey

Theta Force methods were bizarre, by the Army standards Templegard knew.

Tim had explained the method they were now practicing as his own interpretation of something Williams had said about the advantages of psychic nakedness: one day they’d been listening to the Beatles sing Revolution Number Nine and both had heard a woman’s soft voice in the background say, “If you become naked”. Marty had said, nodding in agreement, “She’s a psychic.” Tim admitted he was just guessing what Marty meant.

Templegard found it easy to maintain his erotic concentration shield while naked in a hot tub with three naked female Theta officers as they attempted remote sensing—seeing things as if being there—of the Kremlin. It was Templegard’s first attempt. He got nowhere. His mind wandered.

What am I doing here? Do they seriously believe they can leave their bodies and fly into the Kremlin, and that I can, too? The notion seemed suddenly preposterous. It must all be a cover operation for something totally different. Is the president aware of the sham? He has to be. Why would he assign a non-psychic to spy on psychics?

It felt surreal. He couldn’t begin to guess at what was really going on. Like a detective, his mind flitted back to where this all started—maybe in thinking back over it, he would see some clues to penetrate this farce…

 It had all started with the monkey test. His mind went back to the morning of that fateful day… Read more...